Pana la 365 de zile de protectie continua dintr-un singur flacon! Datorita polimerilor sintetici furnizeaza o protectie durabila.Respinge apa si poate fi aplicat in siguranta pe plastic, crom, metal sau vopsea.Formula sintetica nu lasa reziduuri albe pe plasticele nevopsite.
Mult mai usor de aplicat decat o ceara obisnuita.
Asigura protectie 1 an intreg
Our claim has never been that Paint Protect will provide the tightest and most uniform beading, but rather that it will bead water for up to 12 months. It is still susceptible to harsh detergents, high pH all purpose cleaners, touchless car washes (that use a one-two punch of acid wash and alkaline wash), etc. But when washed regularly with a proper car wash shampoo you should still see it beading long after traditional carnauba waxes and sealants are gone. That ULW presents smaller and tighter beading isn't really a surprise given the differences in the polymers used in the two products. It is pretty darn cool to see that uniformity of beading from ULW though, isn't it?!
As many of you know, our target market for Paint Protect is essentially "Joe Consumer" who isn't willing to put in much time at all toward keeping his car looking good, but he knows he needs to do something to protect it. It is incredibly easy to use, but we've never made claims that it's our best looking paint protectant/wax or that it provides the tightest, most uniform beading, any specific angle of incidence (we still see some trying to compare this to products like CQuartz, OptiCoat, 22ple, etc, which is just plain silly, really) or anything like that. The claim has always just been a very simple "keeps beading for up to a year", and that's it. |